3.9 Acres: Will subdivide: 2
pad sites available
Zoning B-1 Parcel ID: 39-29-A Rockbridge County
Blue Ridge Appraisal:
Restricted Use Market Value Appraisal
$970,000 May 10, 2007
Building has 5 suites
All >1100 sq foot +1000+
sq ft common areas
Contact: Don Wetsel
540.886.9453 office
540.290.3905 cell
We purchased 4.078 acres, Rockbridge County Public Sewer took .138 acres plus a right of way.
2 Suites on first 2 floors were designed to be mirror images.
2N now has a kitchen, and the bath now has a shower in it. Closet space was changed between 2 front rooms to create a walk in closet. This is a template to convert other units to residential, if desired.
2S Moved door to front office to hallway and added door to waiting room. Also added “physician” sink in front of bathroom.
3rd floor now has a full kitchen and 2